3 Wrinkle Myths Busted

Wrinkles are a beautiful part of life that shows experience, happiness, hurt, wisdom and maturity. But with a world possessed with youthfulness and fresh looking skin, we dread the thoughts of lines appearing and grooving our skin. Wrinkles are nothing to be ashamed of and should be proud to have them, if they come with age. . (what do I mean if they come with age.)

There are a few misconceptions about wrinkles and how we get to be blessed with these fine lines and deep line that come with age. 

1- Wrinkles are caused by aging. We tend to believe that wrinkles happen and show up with age (age as in number alone causes a really small % of wrinkles) there are many other factors that contribute to the cause and depth of winkles as well as how early they will show.

  •  SUN is the main offender that will damage the skin wall, and provide many new free radicals that will ruin your skin in many ways (including dark spots, hyper pigmentation, burns. etc), the sun causes deep wrinkles that start to show at a younger age. Pollution / environment is a huge factor when it comes to how much deep lines and sagging will form on your skin as well, if you are constantly hit with airborne toxic chemicals, bacteria,  etc, city air and lack purified and clean air, your skin cells and pores will not breath right.(Read the Research)  
  • Diet in short, as we all know, we are what we eat. Eating a diet rich in anti-oxidants to combat and prevent the damage that will be the result of free radicals (which are the main reason to extrinsic and intrinsic aging) will keep our skin looking youthful for a long time to come. 
  • Lack of Hydration, water is an essential factor in having and maintaining a supple and pump youthful looking skin. Dehydration deprives your skin from water and causes your skin to look pale and leads to sag, dry, and early signs of aging. ‘other miscellaneous way to cause lines like touching face, smoking, alcohol, stress, constant rubbing of face, using wrong skincare products etc.’

2- Wrinkles can’t be prevented. Wrinkles can and should be prevented, in a few simple ‘but not easy to implement’ steps and series through you way of living. A bad life style will show on your way sooner than later, and you will regret all the smoking and drinking and lack of skincare routine. There are many ways to prevent wrinkles, but one thing that is for sure and can’t be controlled are your genes, but we can delay and minimize the over all turn up of lines and wrinkles. We can delay and minimize early signs of ageing by using a sunscreen, healthy balanced anti-oxidant rich diet, avoid smoking and alcohol, and always use skincare products that you need (learn to read your skin), getting adequate amounts of water in (through water and water rich foods ‘fruits&veggies’), avoid fried foods and any processed foods, exfoliation. Etc.

3-Winkles are permanent and can’t be reversed. Any damage and further damage to your skin can be limited, reversed and further prevented. By taking action right now to protect your skin from the sun (avoid being under the sun rays, broad spectrum sunscreen reapplied according to packaging, SPF clothing, hats, etc.). Start eating a healthy balanced diet. See your dermatologist, for a customized plan and take action. As well as facial exercise to strengthen your facial muscles. *You are beautiful regardless* 

Overall, aging is a beautiful thing that we all experience and you should embrace everything that comes with it, but if there is something you can do to boost your confidence and make you happier with who you are, then there is a solution for everything.

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