Exfoliation 101

In other words exfoliating! Skin cell turnover is a process that keeps going, as the the cells are formed at the bottom of the epidermis and rise up through the epidermis cells die and soon shed, and replaced by cells that went through the same process. 

Cell turnover slows down with age, a good and a fast process takes around 28 days, but the longer the dead skin hangs on your skin it can flak, build a thick layer, and dry out giving skin a dull rough texture. Which with time it can cause damage to the skin barrier, so to keep the barrier strong you have to remove that excess layer of dead cells. By Exfoliation.

Physical Exfoliation is when you physically scrub your skin with scrubs, sugar, granules, and other products that you have to use force to exfoliate and remove the dead layer. This process is good to do 2-3 times a week, depending on your skin type.

Chemical Exfoliation is using acids, peels, and chemicals to dissolve the dead skin cells and make skin barrier stronger. Using a low % of AHAs and BHAs daily will give a better result in the long run. When using acids to exfoliate pay close attention to your skin’s sensitivity and make sure to never skip sun protection. 

Overall exfoliation is recommended daily by the majority of dermatologists and estheticians, constantly removing the top layer of your skin will in contrary thicken and strengthen your skin. Thick skin is essential to a healthy and supple complexion that will suit you well.

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